Priority of Health for a Fullfilled Life.

A sick man's immediate priority is to visit hospital, not attend to business.
By Dan Uche Okoli.

Let's See

Priority of Health for a Fullfilled Life

Dan Okoli is the Assistant Director, Laboratory services, Clinical pathology Department, University of Lagos Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Lagos, Nigeria. Dan was the Senior Prefect of 1984 set.

Health is defined as the state of being Hale, sound, or whole, in body, mind or soul especially the state of being free from physical diseases or pain. Good Health promotes output and reduction in sickness and diseases it boosts immunity. We set time to execute a project, or complete another, set targets and make projections. We have to be alive and healthy at the set time otherwise the priority shifts to seeking to be treated to get back to good state of health.

A sick man's priority is to go to the hospital than to go for business even if he has millions to be invested. Every man's priority should be to maintain good health for a ful illed life. “All a man hath will he give for life”(Job 2:4). It is therefore expected that every man, breadwinner, head of family should give priority to maintain good health, and that of every member of his family for a ful illed life when resources, means, ideas, skills are all in place to get things done, if ill-health, creeps in, such become abandoned project and secondary. Health is wealth, and it becomes the means to an end. We shall dwell on spiritual health with medical attention, food and nutrition.


God is the giver of life. He knows the importance of good health. God wants us to prosper, to be in health, even as our souls prosper (3 John 2). He is the giver of life and good health. When our spiritual life is well taken care of (spiritual well- being), then we become spiritual healthy. Then the promises of good health, protection from sicknesses and diseases become ours (Exodus 15:26). We also enjoy the promises of restoration of good health. “For I will restore health unto thee and I will heal thy wounds, saith the LORD…”(Jeremiah 30:17).”…I will bring it health and cure…“(Jeremiah 33:6). The promises of God are yea and amen for everyone who has given his life to the Lord, Jesus and abides in Him. He sent his word and heals them and delivers from destruction (psalm 102:20).

Jesus is the Healer, and healing is an aspect of this earthly ministry. For every man who obeys God in every aspect, he is sure to enjoy protection from sicknesses. By not committing adultery, fornication, by covering our nakedness, making sure we do not eat animal that die on their own, by not eating blood, not given to wine, not allowing lepers to come into the camp, not making cuts or marks in the body, God warned and protected the children of lsreal from diseases they could contract from such behaviors. Obedience to God's word will always protect from every evil. The spiritual well-being of a man has a lot of in luence on his physical health and well-being. Bless the Lord, o my soul who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases (psalm 103:2-5). However, when a man falls sick, if he exercises faith and seeks medical attention while praying to God, God will heal him and restore his health.


Good health is not only the absence of physical ailments, it is also the absence of mental and social disorders. As human beings have in luence on the environment, so the environment in luences the well-being of individuals. To maintain good health, we have to make the environment conducive so also our makeup, lid disposition and attitude to life go a long way to determine our state of health and outcome of sickness. “Where there is no vision(knowledge) the people perish”(Proverbs 29:18). That is the reason for this heath Education. Many don't seek to maintain their health by regular medical checkups or when they do, they patronize quacks. Some take their health for granted in the name of living by faith. Majority of children born, are born healthy and have very good potential for ful illed life. When given the right environment and nourishment with good lifestyles most people will live the irst 40 years without major health challenges. After the age of 40 years, to remain healthy and free from sickness and major health challenges, one has to really maintain health by obeying the rules of hygiene, healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits and take food that nourishes the body so as to prevent or reduce risk pro ile. How well this is managed re lects on one's well-being.

The Alumni plays key role in helping to shape the future of the alma mater. Its in luence and activities are pivotal in the development its former school and in creating new learning opportunities for its current students. Creating an engaged, supportive alumni is therefore crucial to success of any school, especially in today's Nigeria in which educational institutions have suffered unquanti iable neglect and reckless abandon.


Majority of sickness are communicable, therefore, prevention of communicable diseases will be a high point in maintaining health.


Prevention is better than cure. To prevent sickness is always a better and cheaper option considering the pains, emotions, cost and threat to life. Prevention cuts across three levels;personal, food & nutrition and environmental. At every stage in life these levels of prevention will be applicable.

In an ideal setting, to have a healthy family, the preparation starts form the father and the mother right from when they were in their mother's wombs. Their own parents must have had good antenatal care to achieve good quality children that cried immediately at birth via the safety, shortest mode of delivery (normal or assisted or operative delivery). Such children were then breast-fed, raised up in the most conducive, hygienic environment, immunized in full, had good weaning diet ,protected from environmental pollutions and accidents, became educated as to what to eat and drink knew what to avoid, (no smoking, no self-medication, no premarital sex, had marital genetic counseling) and were spiritually nurtured too, such will grow up and pass on same legacy of up-bringing and health maintenance culture down to their children and the whole family will be healthy. Not everyone is so lucky. At whatever stage we are, we have the knowledge now to carry on and improve our state of health and prevent sicknesses.

  • Personal hygiene
  • Good antenatal care in good centers with qualified personnel and delivery
  • Infant welfare and immunization
  • Healthy lifestyle - avoiding smoking, alcohol and drug abuse - Maintaining a healthy weight Exercising appropriately, Avoiding self-medication
  • Family planning
  • Spiritual well-being - No sexual misbehavior and promiscuity, Tattooing, Scarification, Tribal marks, Circumcision
  • Occupational health hazards - Carpenters, Bricklayers, Chemical handlers, Industrial workers, Drivers, Okada riders Health workers
  • Discretions in the use of Personal items - Blades, Shavers, Sanitary, towels, undies, Tooth brushes etc.

The environmental contributes a lot to our state of health, and this has to be made conducive to promote health and prevent sickness.

  • Keep Environment clean - No dirt, refuse disposal, human waste, toilets, gutters, pots, stagnant water. Prevent malaria, typhoid and gastroenteritis, zoonotic diseases
  • Safe and secured Floors - non slippers floors prevent home accidents, Bathrooms/bath prevent falls.
  • Septic tanks, Soak-away, manholes, wells, Drums, Basins well covered to prevent drowning
  • Chemicals and corrosives
  • Family planning
  • Knives, Blades, Glasses, Nails.
  • Generators - fumes
  • Pollutions and overcrowding


Food should be hygiene prepared and served. Food is not just anything that we can eat to ill the stomach. Food is aimed at supplying the energy to maintain regeneration of tissue, growth, removal of wastes and to nourish the body and maintain good health. Eating goes beyond satiety, it is also to nourish the body and maintain health and build up immunity.

It is the process of consuming, absorbing and using nutrients needed by the body for growth, development and maintenance of life. Anything we eat that causes sickness is therefore to us a poison. We should nourish and not poison our bodies by the food we eat. If we eat adequately, we supply the energy needed for our work and body metabolism. To receive adequate, appropriate nutrition, people need to consume a healthy diet, which consists of variety of nutrients (the chemicals substances in food that nourish the body). A healthy diet enables people to maintain a desirable body weight and composition and perform their daily physical and mental activities.


Nutrition's are divided into two classes- macronutrients and micronutrients. Macro-nutrients are required daily in large quantities; they include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, some minerals and water. Water is required by the body daily for normal metabolism on the average of about 2.5 liters per day. Water helps to eliminate waste and prevent kidney diseases. Micronutrients are required daily in small quantities, they include vitamins and trace minerals that enable the body to use macro-nutrients. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats supply 90% of the dry weight of the diet, and 100% of its energy. As sources of energy, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are interchangeable in proportion. A balanced diet is that which has all the classes of food in appropriate proportion to promote health, maintain body metabolism and provide energy. Eating unbalanced diet leads to malnutrition which causes sickness. Eating carbohydrates only is not good enough. It causes:

  • GOOD EATING HABITS: Eating less of rich fried and fatty foods, No nibbling, Regular meals, Early evening meals, More vegetables
  • BAD EATING HABITS: Rich and highly spiced meals, Fatty fried food, Pastries and cakes.
  • FAULTY HABITS: Irregular meals, Late night meals, Drinking/smoking, Overeating & gluttony
  • GUIDE FOR THE ELDERLY: Carryout general laboratory body check-up quarterly or at least twice in a year, as prevention is better than cure.The diet of the elderly should be more of vegetables and fruits, legumes and reduced carbohydrates, little fat, and less of animal proteins, especially meat and eggs which should be substituted with fish.
    Hypertension: 140/90mmHg.Silent killer.
    Diabetes: mellitus, Excessive high blood sugar levels in the body because the body does not produce enough insulin. Excessive thirst (Polydipsia)+ Excessive Urination (polyuria).
    Obesity: Excessive accumulation of body fat. It is de ined as BMI of 30 or more, results from consuming more calories than the body uses.
    Benigh prostatic hyperplasic: Enlargement of the prostatic glands which reduces urine low in the elderly > 50 years.
    Glaucoma: Elevation of the pressure in the chamber of the eyes, loss of vision and blindness.
    Heart attack: (Myocardial infarction).
    Stroke: A blockage or bleeding of a blood vessel in the brain that leads to weakness, loss of sensation, dif iculty in talking and neurological problem.
    Osteocerthritis: degeneration of the cartilage that lines the joint causing pain and deformity and reduced joint mobility.
    Heart disease and cholesterol levels: Increased cholesterol levels leads to atheroma and reduction in blood low to the heart and heart diseases.
    Low sperm count: reduced sperm count is reason for infertility in 45-50% of infertile couples.Occupational hazard, burrow ordritis, tight itting pants, Hyperprolactinaeno
    Hernia: Chronic cough. Lifting of heavy weights.
    HIV/AIDS: HIV infection may be without symptoms only detected by screening. AIDS is when the immunity is compromised resulting to the sign and symptoms such as rashes, weight loss, diarrhea, cough and tumors.
    Peptic ulcer: increased acidity in the stomach and duodenum causing ulcerations in the stomach and duodenum leading to pains and internal bleeding; due to poor eating habits, excessive fasting, alcohol, stress and smoking. Some drugs induced ulcer e.g. Aspirin, Indocid, Piroxicam and Butazolidines.
    Asthma: Is an allergic disease-causing constriction of the airways leading to breathing difficulty and noisy breathing.

Dan Okoli is the Assistant Director, Laboratory services, Clinical pathology Department, University of Lagos Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Lagos, Nigeria. Dan was the Senior Prefect of 1984 set.